Renegade M.D.: A Doctor's Stories from the Streets

Dr. Susan Partovi first experienced poverty medicine volunteering at a dump site in Tijuana during high school. There, she recognized the need for all people to have access to quality medical care. Over the years, she has worked in various facilities around Los Angeles County, incorporating her renegade method of going the extra mile for her patients. As Medical Director of Homeless Health Care Los Angeles, she works to provide a safety net of care for the underserved skid row community and surrounding neighborhoods.
Recognized internationally as a leader in street medicine, Dr. Partovi started documenting her patients’ stories so that others could hear their voices. By addressing the practical and moral considerations when treating each patient, Dr. Partovi developed her philosophies about what it means to be a “good doctor.” Along the way, she began to understand how her personal ethics evolved―from a challenging childhood and complicated relationships with her parents, through professional hurdles―often, she had to push against a system that doesn’t always put the patient first.
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 A riveting and sometimes radical look at the medical ramifications of homelessness.

“The author…brings readers a narrative that begins as an immigrant success story and grows into a chronicle of treating people who live on the streets. Throughout the book, Partovi notably uses the term PEH (people experiencing homelessness) rather than referring to “the homeless,” emphasizing the humanity of the people she deals with as a doctor. When discussing the issues that both contribute to and are exacerbated by homelessness, the author emphasizes the roles of drug addiction and mental illness, detailing the ways that living unhoused complicates many medical conditions. Throughout this memoir, Partovi offers a sobering and disturbing (but also hopeful) look at the challenges of treating the unhoused, including many individual anecdotes about
the people living on the streets—their struggles, tragedies, and, occasionally, their successes in dealing with homelessness and the medical problems that beset them.”

—Kirkus Reviews


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A memoir, coming soon!

In 2009, Dr. Susan Partovi traveled with medical students from UCLA to offer medical services to the impoverished in Haiti. Witnessing firsthand the trauma of severe poverty and the effects of malnutrition on the children had a profound effect on her. Ten days after returning home, a devastating earthquake struck the island nation, and she felt called to return immediately.

Each year, Dr. Partovi travels to Haiti and treats a population in desperate need of medical care. She cofounded H.E.A.L., a nonprofit which provides medical supplies and medical students, and collaborates with local doctors to continue primary care in the Haitian village they’ve adopted. “This is Haiti,” a memoir-in-progress, tells the stories of these patients and the people who support the effort to bring caring and conscientious medicine to those enduring poverty.