Exciting things are on the horizon, and I wanted to keep you in the loop. First, some news about Tell It Like a Woman. This feature film is made up of seven short segments directed by a diverse and international group of women filmmakers. Each segment tells an inspirational and empowering story about women from around the world. The segment “Elbows Deep” was directed by Catherine Hardwicke and stars Academy Award-Winner Marcia Gay Harden (as me!), Cara Delevingne, and Jasmine Luv. You can see the trailer here: Tell It Like a Woman.
On March 3rd, I’ll be in New York City for a screening of the film at the United Nations General Assembly Hall.
And there’s more! In January, Diane Warren was nominated for an Oscar for “Applause,” an original song written for and featured in the film! Here’s Sofia Carson and Diane on Jimmy Kimmel last week performing the song: Applause performance.

And there’s even more! Many of you may know that for some time, I’ve been working on a book about my experiences in street medicine, to tell the stories of so many patients I’ve had the privilege to know. It’s on the way! Renegade MD: A Doctor’s Stories from the Streets, will be published this summer! Renowned LA Times journalist and author Steve Lopez says about the book: “In her work and her writing, Dr. Susan Partovi is a voice for the sick and dying, driven by both compassion and moral outrage. She speaks for the voiceless and calls us to our better selves.” Thank you, Steve!
Keep an eye out for news and updates about the book, events, etc. And thanks to all of you for your friendship and support.
~ Susan